How to Be Satisfied With Your Career?

How to Be Satisfied With Your Career?

How to Be Satisfied With Your Career?


This article will help you learn how to begin your journey with career change and strive for career satisfaction.


Author: Mrs Marzena Jurewicz-Komuda, Career Advisor


Graduate of the Job Coaching - career advice and career coaching degree at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities SWPS in Warsaw. Licensed coach of the “Spadochron” (ENG: “Parachute”) group training programme - a 5-day-long workshop for those planning their career, looking for a job, and changing their profession, certified by the Foundation of Social-Economic Initiatives. 


Sales Manager with more than 20 years of experience working in international enterprises. Co-leader and responsible for sales/marketing in the career advice project MINISTRY OF CAREER, organised in cooperation with the University of Social Sciences and Humanities SWPS in Warsaw.


Consultant in OUTPLACEMENT projects - support programmes for those made redundant by their companies, helping them transfer to new workplaces. They are commissioned by international companies holding the title of the biggest in their field on the market.


Author of online courses and e-books, sharing her expert knowledge in various social media channels, such as Facebook and Instagram. 


Focused on broadly understood support in planning and developing the career paths of her Clients - in the process, she draws on her own experience as an employee of one of the biggest international enterprises. Working with her clients, she concentrates on the collaborative search for their career potential and provides professional guidance throughout that transfer.


She receives excellent recommendations regarding the tutorials and training organised by her. Mrs Marzena Jurewicz-Komuda is commonly regarded as effective - her Clients quickly achieve their desired goals and change their professional lives for the better.


You can find out more about Mrs. Marzena Jurewicz-Komuda's activity as a Job Advisor on her website, Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn.



How do we go about making the decision to change our career path, if the current one no longer brings us satisfaction? Decision is key!


Where to begin? With a decision about the change :) And I don’t mean daydreaming, distant plans, or hypothetical variants - this is about acting, about the “here and now”. I want a change, and I’m going to make one.


This decision-making moment is key - it also isn’t easy (there are many reasons for that: uncertainty stemming from stepping out of one’s comfort zone, which allows us to remain cushioned in our snug, safe bubble, fear of the unknown, a complicated financial situation, low self-esteem, the situation on the job market).


Oftentimes, we don’t decide to make a change until we are - quite literally - pushed up against the wall; we feel tired, bored, unwilling to develop, we lack aspiration and, above all, there is no satisfaction coming from the tasks we fulfill, or even from our achievements. Frustration, stagnation, and apathy come into play.


And when you add a tough relationship with your Boss or no prospects related to promotion to the mix, you get a recipe for a catastrophe. It is times like these when making the decision about a change is essential - it is also the best favour you can grant yourself. 


When should we start to suspect that we’re in danger of burnout? And what should we do in that situation?


Zoom in on yourself >> It’s worth it to take a closer look at your professional life - if you detect any of the following situations, then it’s a signal that it’s time for change:


  • Unclear expectations - lack of clarity when it comes to the Employer’s expectations, your tasks and targets constantly keep changing.

  • Divergent values - at your current Company, the business is done in a way that doesn’t quite agree with the values you believe in.

  • Stagnation in the workplace -  no opportunities to make use of your skills, no challenges that would motivate you for further development.

  • No access to information, isolation from other team members, lack of feedback or praise. 

  • Lack of balance between professional and private life.

  • Toxic coworkers or Bosses, mobbing, questioning of your accomplishments, conflicts resulting in constant stress.


Act! Don’t hesitate, because the longer you remain in such a situation, the more it will impact your emotional, physical, and mental health. Not to mention that once you experience burnout, making any kind of change will become increasingly difficult. Therefore, it is worth it to prevent such a situation from happening and to start thinking and acting proactively.



What steps to take in order to plan your career path well?


One could say that creating your own career path is a lifelong task. It is recommended to analyse your path, successes and failures, strong sides, experiences, aspirations and ambitions. Staying up-to-date with how the job market is changing and monitoring what it requires of us is also extremely important.



Where to start?


Get to know yourself - take a closer look at your talents, predispositions, experience gained, and interests. Think about how you can put that potential to good use. You can do it yourself or with the help of an expert, aka Career Advisor.


Establish new career goals. Don’t be afraid to experiment - it will help you find out more about yourself. 


Make your own development plan in order to competently prepare for the change - invest in courses, studies, internships, etc. Expand your network. Approach the world, people, and, most importantly, yourself, with optimism. 



Who can (and who should) ask for the support? Is career advice for everyone?


Career advice is for everyone, because every single moment in life is good for change.


What can a Career Coach help you with?


  • Making you aware of the needs and possibilities in the area of your career (eg. career analysis, establishment of career goals).

  • Identifying the barriers that are holding you back from making the decision about change and bringing it to life. Developing a balance sheet of your competencies.

  • Creating a plan for your personal development.

  • Defining your own expectations.

  • Drafting a CV or employee’s profile. Preparing for a job interview.



When should we ask a Career Advisor for help? What do we gain by deciding to cooperate with a professional within the area of career advice?


An Advisor’s support can help you undergo the change in an effective way that will lead you towards reaching your target. The Advisor guiding you will aid you in making the right choice, basing their advice on their own knowledge, experience, and professional and objective diagnostic tools.


They will be particularly helpful in the area of overcoming resistance and battling your lack of motivation, which is a common occurrence in the process of change. This will allow you to manage the change smartly and protect you from the traps waiting on the way, threatening to delay progress - or even make it impossible altogether.


Together, you will find it easier to defeat the barriers and monitor progress, as well as celebrate successes. Working as a team, you can establish a clear vision of the future. 

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