Learning Italian with Busuu

Learning Italian with Busuu


Gaby has been one week learning Italian with Busuu  (have you seen her introduction video?) here's her testimonial: 

I have been using Busuu for a week now and the app is really easy to use and to follow. 
The lessons have started in Beginner A1, and it includes personal pronouns, greetings, feelings etc.

 I find the activities very interactive and comprehensive, they involve listening activities, rearranging letters in words and finding the right word to complete the sentence. 

After having a look through the app I noticed that it gives their users their option to move around levels. It also encourages you to correct other users' work in case you have knowledge of the language they are learning.

It’s important for the person learning the language to be diligent and constantly remind themselves to use the app and that is what I find more difficult at the moment. Nevertheless, I am having an overall positive experience as a language learner with its interactive activities and also as a user because it’s easy to use and straightforward.