Summer Jobs in Europe for Multilingual College Students

Summer Jobs in Europe for Multilingual College Students


Studying abroad in Europe can be the most exciting time in your life as a student. You can enjoy a whole new way of life through the experiences and people you meet. But studying abroad can be more than attending classes and hanging out at cafes with new friends. Obtaining short-term work can expand your horizons while netting you some extra cash. You may need to work during your summer break for the money, or you may want a chance to enhance your resume. Either way, here are the five best summer jobs in Europe for multilingual college students.


1. Teaching English 


Teaching English while living abroad is a go-to employment choice for students, no matter what they’re studying.

It has many benefits that appeal to college students, particularly its flexibility.  You can enjoy workable hours, setting a schedule with your student(s) that adheres to your lifestyle. 

There are also flexible ways for you to communicate with your student. Whether face-to-face or through a video chat, you can do what feels comfortable to you and what works with your agency.

You may have many questions about how to teach English abroad. First and foremost, be sure to find a legitimate job agency that supports your goals and offers you complete transparency.


How Will Teaching English Abroad Help Me?


Teaching English abroad is not for everyone. It’s an excellent option for those who are studying to become teachers.

It will also further cement your own multilingual skills. And impress future employers with the responsibilities you took on during your time as an English teacher.


2. Hospitality


There are many types of hospitality jobs open to students in Europe. Summer is a great time to look for work in the hospitality field. Many European cities and resort towns have a boom in business during the warm summer months.


Typical hospitality jobs for multilingual college students include:


  • As a server in a restaurant

  • Bartending or as a bar back

  • As a barista in a cafe 

  • As a housekeeper or front desk staff in a hotel or hostel


Who’s Best Suited for Hospitality Work?


A summer job in hospitality is especially suitable if your language skills are superb. You’ll be working in a fast-paced environment, so mentally scrambling to translate what a customer is saying is not an option.

It’s also great if you intend to work in hospitality as a career choice. Experience with a summer job spent in hospitality abroad will dazzle any prospective employer back home.


3. Au Pair


More than just a romantic movie plotline, au pairs are in serious demand by parents and agencies across Europe.  Au pairs can be both childminders and tutors, with the precise nature of your job depending on the family. 


Why Should I Work As an Au Pair?


Being an au pair is a fantastic role if you love children. There are also many benefits to the job you may not have thought of.  Working as an au pair in the summer can solve your housing gap if you only have a place to live during the school semester. Many au pairs stay with the families they work for, with meals included. So you get paid, you have housing, and you enjoy meals. Not a bad setup at all! It’s also an excellent way to improve your language and communication skills.


4. Camp Counselor


Everyone loves summer camp! Whether you’ve been a camper or a counselor in the past, or this is an entirely new experience for you, it’s bound to be memorable. You can enjoy time outdoors, meet other counselors, and form possible lifetime friendships. While improving your language skills, too. Some camps in Europe operate using the country’s home language. Others are language-learning camps, so you’ll be speaking English as a means to teach ESL campers abroad.


What Do I Gain As a Camp Counselor?


Your time as a camp counselor in Europe will earn you far more than a paycheck. It will be a standout addition to your resume, as you will be netting leadership and communication skills. And these skills are easily transferable to your professional career, whether you work with children or not.


5. Agriculture


Another great option for nature lovers. Agricultural jobs are no joke, though, so only apply if you’re comfortable with hours of physical labor a day. Seasonal farm work is available across Europe. It can include being a ranch hand, operating equipment on mixed farms, and picking grapes on vineyards.


Who’s a Great Fit for Agricultural Work?


Here’s the deal: you should only attempt agricultural work if you’re in outstanding physical shape and/or up for extreme physical challenges. Though the variety of agricultural jobs can vary, certain aspects will not change. You’ll assist farmworkers on their outdoor tasks, which can range from picking fruit to wrangling livestock. In exchange, you’ll get a paycheck and some superb experience. It’s especially beneficial to work if you’re seeking a career as an agricultural engineer or a related job.




In Conclusion 


Studying in Europe is sure to be a highlight of your student years. Make your time in Europe even better by landing a summer job. 

No matter where your interests lie, you can find seasonal employment that benefits your skillset. 

Look for jobs as an English teacher or au pair if you love connecting with others one-on-one. Hospitality jobs are perfect if you have experience in the service industry, or hope to land a career in that field.

Outdoor lovers and physical fitness enthusiasts can thrive as camp counselors or farmhands. A chance to proudly show off their leadership abilities and hard work.

As if that’s not enough — summer jobs in Europe for multilingual college students have even more to offer you.

You will earn money, make connections, and enhance your skills. All while developing an attention-grabbing aspect of your resume, of course!

Author Bio: Adam Marshall is a freelance writer who specializes in all things apartment organization, real estate, and college advice. He currently works with Grove at Ft. Collins to help them with their online marketing.



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