6 Ways to Enjoy Summer at the Office

6 Ways to Enjoy Summer at the Office

Everything you need to know to have fun during summer at the office


1.      Finding a part-time job

One option alongside the usual types of summer employment that pervade the internet is the part-time job. While more difficult to find and not as well paid as a full-time position, it will loosen up your schedule and you’ll find a lot more free time on your hands. Then you will be able to use your new-found free hours for personal development: whether it’s practicing a new hobby or learning a new skill that could be useful for your dream job. A lot of companies advertise positions that require assistants on a part-time basis with a view to offering a more fixed contract. If you spot one of those, why not consider it? At any rate, you’ll have one foot on the employment ladder.

2.      Take your lunch break outside

When you do finally secure the job, make your lunch break that bit more adventurous and exciting by trying out the new cafés and restaurants near your office. If you’re not earning enough to always go out and eat, you can still take your packed lunch outside and eat with your colleagues. You will feel way better for getting away from a computer screen, breathing in the fresh air and socializing with your colleagues. Most work schedules should give at least half an hour break during the day, so there’s no excuse not to go out, even if just for 10 or 15 minutes! 

3.      Propose a drinks night

With the long days of summer, why not send them on a high by finishing with an evening of drinks at your local pub or bar? Most workplaces will already offer some sort of social atmosphere and may host regular evenings out as part of creating a positive company culture.  However, if you feel that such a vibe might be lacking in your new workplace, it might help to suggest an evening out once you feel settled in and confident enough. Most people will probably love the idea and praise you for suggesting new things – but test the waters before trying!

4.      Host a BBQ

This may be a little more challenging than proposing to go out for drinks since you’ve volunteered yourself to host the event. However, this will undoubtedly help you to gain your colleagues’ trust and perhaps even credit amongst your bosses. Organizing a barbecue on the weekend will be a good chance to get chatting to the colleague you never got a chance to speak to, enjoy some good food and plus (hopefully) have interesting stories to tell once Monday swings round again. Anyway, who doesn’t love a good barbie during the summer?

5.      Buy ice creams/cool drinks


Again, this will probably be dependent on your office rules and regulations, and of course, should be run past your boss before you run into the shops to stock up on Cornettos.  If allowed, ice creams and cool refreshments are nice and sweet incentives to keep cool during the hot summer days and motivated at work, of course! If you or one of your colleagues has worked hard on a particular project or made a special achievement, you could suggest it as a reward so that people feel happy and appreciated. And in case the Cornettos don’t get the go-ahead from your bosses, you always have the chance to nip out for one during your lunch break!

6.      Organise a day out

Summer is the perfect time to make the most of the good weather and outdoor events that are happening in your city. Collaborate with your colleagues and design a day’s worth of activities that everyone can enjoy: some sports for the active ones, something more chilled for those who are less into working up a sweat, and games that can work your creativity and brainpower. But ultimately, it should be something that brings people together and practicing teamwork, whilst having fun of course!




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