You are enthusiastic about small businesses and self-employed people, and you want to be an important marketing partner for them? Then it's time for you to become a part of Vista and apply now!
What you ideally bring with you:
- You have very good oral and written Finnish communication skills as well as being friendly and empathetic, so as to understand and assist our customers with any queries which may arise.
- You have a strong interest in eCommerce and marketing and a passion for print and design, enabling you to provide the best solution for our customers and to chip in the success of their business.
- You are a digital native which allows you to connect with our customers on all channels to support them, especially via phone, email, and chat.
- You exude persistence and, as a reliable partner for our clients, maintain an overview of all the current marketing solutions we can offer them, e.g. flyers, business cards, disposable menus.